Dear Child of God,

Have you ever been blindsided by news that seemed straight out of a nightmare, shaking your self-image and faith to its core? I recently encountered such a day when the blindsiding news completely overtook me. It hit me like a punch I didn’t see coming, leaving me feeling incapacitated. The unpleasant revelation imposed a sense of failure, and deep remorse clouded my thoughts. Nevertheless, rather than succumbing to self-reproach, I chose to find solace in prayer.

My initial response was an expression of thanks to God for His steadfast love towards me because all my life, God has been faithful to me and knowing that what I was facing was not bigger than Him. I knew that greater is he who is in me than the one in the world. Though shaken, I had hope that God was still faithful. I admitted my vulnerabilities and lack of capacity to protect myself from the powerful forces and trials I encountered. Still, I placed my faith in His unending love and allegiance towards me.


I want to take a moment to reflect on the unwavering faithfulness of our loving God. In a world filled with uncertainty and trials, we can find solace and strength in knowing that our God remains steadfast and true no matter the circumstances surrounding us. While you are staying vigilant, here are some reminders to keep you focused on the true source of our strength:

1. He Keeps His Promises: The Bible is replete with promises that God has made to His people, and throughout history, we see Him faithfully fulfilling each one. Psalm 145:13 reminds us, “The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in all He does.” Take a moment to reflect on the promises He has fulfilled in your life, and you’ll find countless reasons to be thankful.

2. His Love Endures Forever: God’s faithfulness is an outpouring of His deep and abiding love for us. Psalm 136 repeatedly proclaims, “His love endures forever.” When we doubt or feel overwhelmed, we can rest in the assurance that His love never wavers, and His faithfulness is a reflection of His unwavering affection for His children.

3. Strength in Our Weakness: In times of weakness and vulnerability, it is in God’s faithfulness that we find our strength. 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God’s faithfulness is most evident when we acknowledge our need for Him and rely on His strength to carry us through.

4. Guidance and Direction: As we journey through life, God’s faithfulness becomes a guiding light, illuminating our path. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. In doing so, we allow God’s faithfulness to lead us in the right direction.

5. A Source of Hope: In times of despair and uncertainty, the faithfulness of God offers us hope. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Each new day brings with it the promise of God’s faithfulness, and with that promise, we find hope to carry us forward.

In closing, let us hold fast to the words of Hebrews 10:23

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Our God is indeed faithful, and in His faithfulness, we find our refuge, our strength, and our eternal hope. May God bless you all abundantly this week.



Isabella Mwango Nyakundi

CEO/Founder Vessel For Honor Ministries.


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